Eco-jurisprudence Films

Office Hours
Wednesdays 1-3 p.m. and by appointment
“As I observe anthropocentrism influencing societies and events in today’s world, I dedicate my storytelling practice to explore the deep consequences of this condition, hopeful of inspiring new possibilities for a harmonious relationship between humans and nature.” P
Pietro is a Director and Cinematographer based in Los Angeles. His passion and dedication for filmmaking started in eleventh grade with his first documentary. A Bachelor of Arts in Digital Film and two certificates in Cinematography and Sustainability from UCLA Extension will follow. With a portfolio that includes indie projects and studio productions experiences, like Paramount, Lakeshore Entertainment, and MGM, Pietro’s storytelling focuses on themes as sustainable development, conservation and social good, collaborating with organizations and individuals directly invested in the cause. His visual style marries the realism in everyday life with a magical component, to hint at the infinite possibilities of our reality. Center stage are the intricate dynamics between humans and the environment. “As I observe anthropocentrism influencing societies and events in today’s world, I dedicate my storytelling practice to explore the deep consequences of this condition, hopeful of inspiring new possibilities for a harmonious relationship between humans and nature.” P